Do you grind your teeth at night?
Do you have sensitive teeth?
Does teeth grinding cause you to wake up at night with pain or experience regular sleep disruptions?
Does your teeth grinding lead to severe jaw or tooth pain?
Does your jaw pop or click?
Are your teeth as white as you want them to be?
Based on your answers, we recommend the CustMbite Hard Surface Nightguard

Read more about our Nightguards below
Based on your answers, we recommend the CustMbite Nightguard

Read more about our Nightguards below
Based on your answers, we recommend the Whitening Foam and Regular Nightguard

Read more about our Nightguards below
Based on your answers, we recommend the Whitening Foam and Hard Surface Nightguard

Read more about our Nightguards below
Based on your answers, we recommend the Whitening Kit and Hard Surface Nightguard

Read more about our Nightguards below
Based on your answers, we recommend the Whitening Kit and Regular Nightguard

Read more about our Nightguards below
smile and comfort in mind
We've all been through it. A rough night's sleep and the resulting fatigue the next day. It's hard to think clearly, you can't stop yawning, and all you want is to lay your head down for just a few more minutes. It's normal to experience this kind of fatigue on rare occasions throughout our lives. But when you suffer from TMJ disorder, commonly called TMJ, you may find yourself suffering from fatigue on a regular basis. This is because TMJ can interrupt your sleep with the painful clenching or grinding of your teeth. Fortunately, CustMbite has developed a family of products that can help relieve the symptoms of TMJ while you sleep, making TMJ and fatigue a distant memory.

TMJ and fatigue combined can make your life miserable. When you are constantly tired, you won't be able to concentrate on important activities at work, school, or managing your family. You may feel lower motivation to get important things done and less desire to do the things you enjoy like spending time with your children or participating in hobbies you normally enjoy.
Chronic tiredness can also lead to physical symptoms like painful headaches on a daily basis. You may also experience dizziness or loss of appetite. Conversely, you may crave unhealthy carbohydrates, or comfort food, if you are constantly tired, which can lead to unhealthy weight gain.
There are also mental symptoms that may be caused by TMJ and fatigue. You've probably noticed that you are moodier when you're tired, and if you're tired all the time, you could have a hard time controlling your mood constantly. It's also hard to retain memories when you are overly tired, which can lead to all kinds of problems. People who are chronically tired are also prone to depression and anxiety.
The best way to prevent TMJ fatigue is to prevent yourself from suffering the tiredness that results from losing sleep due to TMJ. The best way to do that, according to most dentists, is to wear a quality nightguard.
The only question is, which nightguard is right for you? That depends on the type and severity of your TMJ symptoms. Below are three options that should cover anyone who suffers from TMJ.
- Moderate Pain – CustMbite Nightguard
- If you suffer moderate pain upon waking, the CustMbite Nightguard is the right product for you. It is soft and flexible so it's extremely comfortable to wear, yet it's strong enough to keep your teeth from clenching during the night and causing you to wake up feeling tired.
- Severe Pain – CustMbite Hard Surface Nightguard
- If you've moved beyond moderate pain and wake up with severe jaw, neck, face, or ear pain, you should use our hard surface nightguard. It's also customizable and comfortable, but it's tougher than the regular nightguard and able to stand up to the toughest teeth clenching and grinding night after night.
- Snoring – CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece
- Sometimes the TMJ symptom that keeps you (as well as your partner) awake is heavy snoring. If that's the case for you, our Snore Relief Mouthpiece is the product for you. It's also made of flexible mouthguard with the added feature of tori. Rather than attempting to move your jaw like other ineffective products, the tori gently move your tongue out of your airway keeping you from snoring without causing harm or pain to your jaw.

Each of our nightguards is made using our patented VistaMaxx material, which is strong yet flexible and customizable to anyone's teeth, even if you wear braces. They are easy to clean, too, using our All Natural Oral Appliance Cleaner. Just spray, wipe, and rinse, and you're ready to go. Don't forget to clean the case, too. Our products are made entirely in the United States using the strict guidelines required in the U.S. so you can be certain they are safe and effective. Order your CustMbite product for TMJ fatigue online today and see what a good night's sleep can do for your mind and body.
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