Everybody's felt them before—those zingers that hit your teeth when you take a bite of ice cream or a sip of an especially hot cup of coffee or tea. Sometimes you get the zinger just from breathing in really cold, winter air. Not only does it surprise you, but it hurts!
So why would you want to whiten your teeth if there's a chance of experiencing teeth whitening zingers afterward? Actually, there are a bunch of reasons. They mostly center around increased self-confidence. When you know your teeth are stained and discolored by coffee, wine, blueberries, or just everyday living, you might not be as quick to smile at people you meet in your day-to-day life. This can make you come off as shy, uninterested, or even unfriendly.
If you have a bright, white smile, however, you tend to shine it on everyone you run into. It draws people to you and makes you feel great about yourself. So even if you're worried about those zingers, teeth whitening is worth it. That's why we've developed the CustMbite Teeth Whitening Kit along with the Gentle Whitening Foam. Continue reading to learn more about teeth whitening zingers and how you can reduce their likelihood with the CustMbite whitening kit.

Many teeth whitening solutions contain hydrogen peroxide in solutions anywhere from 22% to 44%. This can cause you to experience serious zingers for up to a week after whitening your teeth. Long-term use can make it even worse. That's because the hydrogen peroxide wears away at your enamel and exposes the dentin of your teeth, which is more sensitive than the enamel.
CustMbite takes a different approach with our Gentle Whitening Foam. We use carbamide peroxide in an 8% solution. This is much gentler on your teeth than harsh hydrogen peroxide products.
You might be thinking, with such a low amount of carbamide peroxide, will my teeth still get whiter? The answer is yes. Because the solution is so much gentler, you can wear the whitening foam for up to 8 hours overnight. Whitening your teeth while you sleep—what could be easier than that?
It should be noted that even with the gentlest whitening product, you could experience zingers after teeth whitening for 24 to 48 hours. If you do experience these not-so-fun zingers, you can take a few measures to reduce them. Avoid cold or hot foods and beverages, avoid acidic foods and drinks, and if your teeth are feeling especially sensitive on the first day after whitening, take acetaminophen (Tylenol) or naproxen (Aleve) to mitigate the discomfort.
When you order our CustMbite Teeth Whitening Kit, you will receive two teeth whitening trays, one each for your top and bottom teeth. You'll mold these to fit your exact bite.
When you put the Gentle Whitening Foam on the trays, you'll spread it evenly across the trays and apply them to your teeth. Once you get the hang of it, there will be no extra foam getting on your gums and causing discomfort. The foam will simply coat your teeth while you sleep overnight and provide a brighter, whiter smile.

CustMbite's teeth whitening products are made entirely in the United States for your health and safety. To keep your whitening trays clean and clear, pick up our All Natural Oral Appliance Cleaner, which is easy to use and tastes fresh and minty, just like the foam. Order the CustMbite Teeth Whitening Kit and Gentle Whitening Foam online today and say goodbye to painful teeth whitening zingers!
Whitening Gel
For lightning fast results. Whiten your smile in record time with 22% Carbamide Peroxide strength gel.
Customizable Trays
Trays that mold right to your teeth for a great whitening experience, because every smile is different.
Whitening Foam
Slow and steady wins the race. The 8% Carbamide Peroxide strength whitening foam can be used on sensitive gums and even while you sleep.
Money Back Guarantee
Not satisfied? Let us know! We'll gladly replace or refund your purchase - no risk to you!

Faster and easier to use than whitening strips
CustMbite Smile Kits provide a radiant smile for everyone. Our whitening trays, made from our patented Vistamaxx material, provides a comfortable and secure fit while our gel and foam give you a brighter, cleaner, and more radiant smile.