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CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece Feature & Benefits
- Better Sleep Quality
- Easily Customized Fit To Your Teeth
- No Uncomfortable Contraptions, Drugs or Surgery
- Patented Design With Tori To Keep Your Tongue In Forward Position
- Reduces Snoring By Up To 50%*
- 65% More Comfortable Than Other Over-The-Counter Anti-Snoring Devices*
*Findings provided by a 3rd party research partner, BioSerenity Research
You've just spent another long, sleepless night listening to your boyfriend snore his head off. As you stared up at the ceiling, flinching at those earth-shattering sounds, you probably asked yourself whether there was something – anything – that could solve your problem. You're not alone. Roughly 50% of all Americans snore, which means the other half is almost certainly struggling with this same issue. If you're in a relationship, there's a strong chance your boyfriend snores, and this can lead to all kinds of issues.
Should I End the Relationship if My Boyfriend Snores?
While snoring might seem like a trivial matter to outsiders, those who experience this problem firsthand know that it has the power to end relationships. Unspoken tension often arises between couples as snoring goes unmentioned. Next, the truth finally comes out in an argument, releasing bottled-up frustration. Soon enough, you'll find yourselves sleeping in separate rooms, and a breakup is never far behind. To make matters even worse, snoring can stop you from getting a good night's sleep, causing mental and physical health issues like depression and high blood pressure.
So should you really end your relationship if your boyfriend snores? Ultimately, that's a decision you'll have to make yourself. But before you make any hasty moves, you should be aware of a potential solution that has been mending relationships for countless Americans: the CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece.
Can the CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece Really Prevent Snoring?
The CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece follows medical science to target the root cause of snoring and end snoring once and for all. Before creating this device, Dr. Michael Alvarez spent 40 years studying sleep medicine. He ultimately came to the conclusion that most snoring is caused by the tongue. If he wanted to create an effective snoring device, Dr. Alvarez knew he needed to address this root cause. The end result is a snoring mouthguard complete with embedded tori that gently guide the tongue into a correct, forward position during sleep.
But why is it so important to keep the tongue in this forward, downward position? Here's a quick crash course on the science behind snoring: When you sleep, your tongue tends to relax. This can cause the muscle to move back towards the base of the throat, partially obstructing the airway. When the airway becomes obstructed in this manner, breathing becomes labored… and you know what that means. Your boyfriend snores, keeping you awake for hours on end. Because the CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece specifically targets the tongue, snoring is dramatically reduced in a reliable, consistent manner.
Will My Boyfriend Actually Wear the CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece?
We know what you're thinking. Buying a snoring device and actually convincing your boyfriend to wear it at night are two very different things. Fortunately, the CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece was designed to be as comfortable as possible with a thin, flexible, and lightweight Secure Comfort Design material. Better yet, your boyfriend will have the opportunity to mold this device to the unique shape of his mouth for a customized, snug fit. Since the CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece is designed to be worn on the lower jaw. The end result? Your boyfriend will forget he's even wearing this device as he drifts off to sleep.
Now you could try a typical OSFA mouthguard… but be prepared for plenty of complaints. These one-size-fits-all devices are so bulky and awkward that you'd essentially be subjecting your boyfriend to medieval torture. They also tend to move the jaw into awkward positions in a misguided attempt to prevent snoring, which can cause more problems than it solves. Soon enough, your boyfriend might be left with a misaligned jaw – while still snoring his head off. If your boyfriend snores, the CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece is a much better solution due to its personalized, lightweight fit and those ingenious tori that target the tongue – not the jaw.
Can I Afford the CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece?
Although the Snore Relief Mouthpiece uses medical science and top-quality, American-made materials, it's still well within your budget. With a price tag of just $39.99, this device is hundreds or even thousands of dollars cheaper than many questionable alternatives, such as “smart devices” and snoring surgery. If your boyfriend snores, you owe it yourself to at least try the CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece risk-free for 30 days. With reliable, consistent results, you'll discover that this affordable device is a worthwhile investment in your relationship and your own health.
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The Secret to Relieving Snoring
CustMbite moves the tongue out of the airway without moving the jaw forward, resulting in a more simple and comfortable anti-snoring solution.
-The Tongue Moves Forward
-The Airways Open Up
-Snoring Is Virtually Eliminated Immediately!

MEET THE INVENTOR - Dr. Michael Alvarez
Dr. R. Michael Alvarez is a dentist who brings decades of experience and training to his current practice in Fremont, California. Dr. Alvarez graduated from the University of Southern California, in 1977, and established his dentistry practice in Fremont in 1979. In addition to his practice, Dr. Alvarez is one of the driving forces in Dental Sleep Medicine, leading organizations and training seminars to deliver oral appliance for treating sleep disorders.