You've just started a new whitening treatment that will give you that bright smile you've always wanted – but there's a problem. Your teeth have become incredibly sensitive – to the point where you can no longer enjoy your favorite beverages and foods. So what's the solution? If you're wondering how to cure sensitive teeth from whitening, you're not alone. This is one of the most common issues when we whiten our teeth, and many people are searching for a solution. Fortunately, that solution exists – and you're about to learn all about it.
Before we get into the various methods, it's important to realize that the best solutions for sensitive teeth are preventative in nature. In other words, you're better off choosing an effective, gentle whitening product at the beginning rather than trying to fix the problem later. A solid choice is CustMbite's Teeth Whitening Kit, which comes with Gentle Whitening Foam specifically designed for sensitive teeth.

Before we get into how to cure sensitive teeth from whitening, you should know why this problem arises in the first place. Whitening exposes your teeth to certain ingredients that may weaken them over time, causing them to feel more brittle – especially when you eat very hot or cold foods. Generally speaking, this is caused by hydrogen peroxide – a common ingredient in whitening solutions.
This is yet another reason why you should opt for a more conservative, gentle product – such as CustMbite's Gentle Whitening Foam. This product contains a peroxide concentration of just eight percent, which limits the sensitivity levels caused by many other whitening products. Not only that, but this careful approach also helps prevent gum irritation from teeth whitening, as it is very gentle on your entire mouth area.
Now that you understand the root cause of sensitive teeth after whitening, it becomes much easier to choose the best possible solutions. Here are some potential answers if you're trying to figure out how to cure sensitive teeth from whitening:
- Avoid Hot and Cold Foods and Drinks: An obvious cure is to simply avoid the various foods and drinks that are causing discomfort and sensitivity. Your teeth will become less sensitive with time, so this will likely be temporary. You might want to avoid iced beverages and very hot foods, like soup.
- Avoid Acidic Foods and Drinks: The same goes for acidic foods and drinks. If you're trying to figure out how to cure sensitive teeth from whitening, you should probably avoid fruits like lemons, limes, and grapefruit – as well as their juices. Cheese is also quite acidic, as is soy sauce, cocoa, and anything with high levels of sodium.
- Choose a Better Whitening Product: If it's not too late, you might also want to switch up your whitening product, opting for a gentler solution such as the CustMbite Teeth Whitening Kit. Addressing the root cause of the problem (high peroxide levels) is perhaps the best and most obvious way to avoid sensitive teeth.
- Drink Through a Straw: If you can't possibly face going without your favorite iced mocha or your customary after-work milkshake, consider drinking out of a straw. This can help protect your sensitive teeth significantly.
- Try a Different Toothpaste: Finally, you might want to try a different toothpaste immediately after whitening, as some varieties are specifically designed to help soothe sensitive teeth.
Whitening Gel
For lightning fast results. Whiten your smile in record time with 22% Carbamide Peroxide strength gel.
Customizable Trays
Trays that mold right to your teeth for a great whitening experience, because every smile is different.
Whitening Foam
Slow and steady wins the race. The 8% Carbamide Peroxide strength whitening foam can be used on sensitive gums and even while you sleep.
Money Back Guarantee
Not satisfied? Let us know! We'll gladly replace or refund your purchase - no risk to you!

Let's face it – if you're trying to figure out how to cure sensitive teeth from whitening, there's only one real solution. By choosing CustMbite's Gentle Whitening Foam, you address the root cause of the problem by using a gentle, soothing product. The CustMbite Teeth Whitening Kit also comes with customizable trays and whitening gel for plenty of personalization options. Grab yours today if you want to figure out how to cure sensitive teeth from whitening.