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CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece Feature & Benefits
- Better Sleep Quality
- Easily Customized Fit To Your Teeth
- No Uncomfortable Contraptions, Drugs or Surgery
- Patented Design With Tori To Keep Your Tongue In Forward Position
- Reduces Snoring By Up To 50%*
- 65% More Comfortable Than Other Over-The-Counter Anti-Snoring Devices*
*Findings provided by a 3rd party research partner, BioSerenity Research
The simple answer is yes: snoring is bad for you. People often treat snoring as a joke. Sawing logs. Mowing hay. Grinding gravel. There are all sorts of “funny” terms people use when they talk about snoring. But the fact is, snoring can have physical and mental consequences, not to mention the stress it can cause between you and your sleep partner. As many as 50% of adults in the U.S. have a snoring problem, which leaves the other 50% to suffer from sleeping with someone who has a snoring problem.
Fortunately, CustMbite has an effective solution to your snoring problem. For just $39.99, you can get our customizable, comfortable, and affordable CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece, which works differently from the many expensive and ineffective over-the-counter remedies you may have tried before.
Why is snoring bad for me?
Snoring can cause the following 10 side effects, none of which are good — and some of which are downright alarming. While not every snorer will suffer from every one of these side effects, research has demonstrated that each of these is a potential result of chronic snoring.
- Gasping, choking, and interrupted breathing
- Interrupted sleep
- Daytime sleepiness
- Problems with your sleep partner
- Irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia)
- Chronic headaches
- GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
- Strokes
- Heart disease
- Mental health issues
Again, not every snorer will suffer from all of these conditions, but if you've ever spent a bleary, tired day after a night of snoring, you know it can be serious. Why keep suffering when there's a solution at hand?
How can I stop snoring since snoring is bad for me?
First, let's look at how snoring happens. It's pretty simple. The tongue is a muscle, and like other muscles in your body, it relaxes when you fall asleep. The base of the tongue can then fall to the back of your throat, partially blocking your airway. This causes you to start breathing harder through the constricted airway, and then there you are — snoring. So to help you stop snoring, the goal is to get the tongue out of the airway.
Many one-size-fits-all “solutions” attempt to do this by moving your jaw forward. You may have seen jaw straps or mouthguards that claim to fix your snoring problem by doing this. But these devices are not only ineffective, they can even be dangerous. By moving your jaw forward, they can leave you with problems like TMJ disorder or a misaligned bite.
The CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece, however, uses superior technology developed by a founding member and former president of the American Association of Dental Sleep Medicine and Director of the Medical-Dental Education Network & Institute, Dr. Michael Alvarez. The CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece consists of a lower jaw device that are lined by tori, which gently move your tongue forward and down, pulling it out of the airway.
Where can I get the best device to stop snoring?
The CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece is FDA-cleared and developed and manufactured completely in the United States. It's been proven to reduce snoring by up to 50%. Not only that, but it is 65% more comfortable than other stop-snoring mouthguards because it's made of our patented Secure Comfort Design material, which is light and flexible. Order the best device to stop snoring online today, before you suffer from the results of any of chronic snoring's negative effects.
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The Secret to Relieving Snoring
CustMbite moves the tongue out of the airway without moving the jaw forward, resulting in a more simple and comfortable anti-snoring solution.
-The Tongue Moves Forward
-The Airways Open Up
-Snoring Is Virtually Eliminated Immediately!

MEET THE INVENTOR - Dr. Michael Alvarez
Dr. R. Michael Alvarez is a dentist who brings decades of experience and training to his current practice in Fremont, California. Dr. Alvarez graduated from the University of Southern California, in 1977, and established his dentistry practice in Fremont in 1979. In addition to his practice, Dr. Alvarez is one of the driving forces in Dental Sleep Medicine, leading organizations and training seminars to deliver oral appliance for treating sleep disorders.