smile and comfort in mind

Lower back pain is the number one cause of disability around the world. It’s not usually caused by serious medical issues like arthritis or cancer, and it can be chronic or acute. There are congenital causes of lower back pain like skeletal irregularities such as scoliosis, or spina bifida. However, if you have lower back pain, it’s more likely due to an injury such as a sprain or traumatic injury from sports, a car accident, or other types of accidents like falling off of a ladder or even tripping and landing the wrong way.
As you get older, you may contract lower back pain from various degenerative problems like spondylosis or inflammatory diseases. You may also experience lower back pain due to nerve and spinal cord problems. Some of these include a herniated or ruptured disc, infections involving the vertebrae, or osteoporosis. There are some non-spine sources of lower back pain including kidney stones, fibromyalgia, or even pregnancy. If you have lower back pain, it’s best to consult a doctor to find out the reason. It could be treatable. A lot of times, it will go away on its own, and for some people, it’s always there to some degree.
If TMJ or bruxism is causing you to wake up clenching or grinding your teeth during sleep, it may be harder to get back to sleep if you have lower back pain. In that case, using a sleep mouth guard like the CustMbite Nightguard can be in your best interests.
You may have been told there’s only one position to sleep in if you have lower back pain—flat on your back. While this is an option, the fact is, there are comfortable positions you can sleep in, whether you prefer to sleep on your back, side, or even your stomach.
If you suffer from both back pain and teeth grinding or clenching, a mouth guard for bruxism can help. We’ve worked with dental professionals to develop our patented VistaMaxx material for the CustMbite Nightguard, which is more comfortable than other nightguards on the market. That’s because the VistaMaxx material is strong enough to prevent harm to your teeth or jaw when you are grinding your teeth without being thick and bulky. This makes it easier to wear all night because you can breathe easily. You can even talk or drink while wearing them, so there’s no need to take them off and put them back on once you’re in bed for the night.

If you need a nightguard for teeth grinding and clenching, choose the affordable, easy-to-use CustMbite Nightguard. The trays are custom-moldable to your teeth. All you need to mold them is a microwave, a bowl of cold water, and a couple of minutes. Better yet, if you’re having dental work, you don’t need to worry about purchasing a new mouth guard. Our sleep mouth guard can be remolded as many times as needed without losing effectiveness. Order your own CustMbite Nightguard today and see what a difference it can make, no matter which position you choose to sleep in.
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