Your Custom Nightguard
Fit your CustMbite nightguard in a few simple steps!
smile and comfort in mind
Teeth grinding, or bruxism, can lead to painful headaches and many other consequences. Often bruxism happens when you’re asleep, so it’s hard to even know if you have the condition. The exact causes of bruxism are not known, but it is known that the best thing to do if you are suffering from bruxism is to wear a high-quality nightguard overnight like our CustMbite Nightguard.
While the causes are not known, there are certain risk factors for developing bruxism. The first and maybe most common risk factor is increased anxiety or stress along with frequent anger or frustration. Another risk factor is age—young people are more likely than older people to develop bruxism. People who are aggressive, hyperactive, or competitive are at higher risk for developing the condition.
Bruxism has been linked with certain psychiatric medications like some antidepressants. People who smoke tobacco, drink caffeine or alcohol, or use recreational drugs are also at higher risk of developing bruxism. Because the condition seems to run in families, you are at higher risk of developing bruxism if you have one or more relatives with it.
Finally, bruxism is linked with certain mental health and medical conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, gastroesophageal reflux (GERD), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), night terrors, sleep apnea or other sleep disorders, epilepsy, or dementia.
Continue reading to learn the symptoms that may indicate you have bruxism and to find out how the CustMbite Nightguard can help mitigate these often uncomfortable and sometimes painful effects of the condition.

One of the most obvious signs that you have bruxism is that your sleep partner is awakened by the sound of your teeth grinding, clenching, or gnashing. If you wake up with jaw, neck, or face pain or soreness, it’s possibly due to overnight teeth grinding. Teeth grinding and headaches go hand-in-hand, so if you have frequent headaches, especially dull ones that start near your temples and seem to have no other cause, you might be experiencing nighttime bruxism.
You can sometimes see the effects of bruxism. If your teeth are chipped, fractured, flattened, or even loose, it may be because you have been grinding them at night without even knowing it. The same is true if your tooth enamel is wearing down and exposing deeper layers of your tooth. You might experience damage to the inside of your cheeks from chewing on them while grinding your teeth at night.
There are some more serious signs of bruxism. One of them is pain that feels like an earache, yet there is nothing wrong with your ear or ear canal. This can be caused by inflammation to the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, which is right up against your ear canal. This leads us to one of the most severe consequences of bruxism, which is developing TMJ disorder, which is when your TMJ, the joint that connects your lower jaw with your skull, comes out of alignment. This condition often announces itself with a popping or grinding sound when eating, yawning, or talking. Pain may also be involved.
There is no known cure for bruxism, but there is a simple device you can use to help alleviate some or all of the painful symptoms. Wearing a nightguard like the CustMbite Nightguard keeps your teeth from being able to grind together at night. Without the grinding behavior, the symptoms tend to go away. If not, it’s important to talk to your dentist or doctor.
The CustMbite Nightguard was developed with the assistance of dental professionals for your comfort and protection from teeth grinding. It’s made of our patented VistaMaxx material, which is light and flexible while also being strong enough to stand up to your attempts to grind your teeth night after night. It’s effective because it provides a barrier that does not allow your teeth to grind together, and it’s comfortable because it’s thin and flexible.
It’s also comfortable because the first thing you do when you receive it is mold it to your teeth. That way, you end up with a custom-fit device to protect you from the consequences of teeth grinding. It can be hard to find a nightguard that works well with braces, but the CustMbite Nightguard is perfect for people who wear traditional metal braces. The nightguard comes with special fitting directions for braces wearers. Better yet, the CustMbite Nightguard is remoldable so you don’t need to purchase a new nightguard each time your child or teen’s teeth shift significantly. You just have them refit the guard each time and then one more time at the end when the braces come off.

The CustMbite Nightguard has been evaluated and cleared by the FDA and is safe to use. It is free of latex, phthalates, BPA, and PVC. It comes in regular and petite sizes for adults or children. Our nightguard doesn’t absorb saliva or bacteria, so it’s easy to keep clean. If you or your child suffer from nighttime teeth grinding and headaches, order the best nightguard on the market online today.
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