The Best Way to Treat Sensitive Teeth After Whitening: Is There a Home Remedy?
Buy CustMbite Teeth Whitening Kit
smile and comfort in mind
Sensitivity is a common issue during the whitening process, and people around the globe are searching for answers. This search has led people to many potential solutions. If you're struggling with sensitive teeth after whitening, “home remedy” might not be the first phrase that comes to mind. After all, there are many other potential treatment options that might seem a lot more reliable. Can a home remedy really provide results? Or should you consider other potential solutions?
Before you start researching home remedies for sensitive teeth after whitening, you might want to start at the beginning. Consider what kind of whitening product you're using and switch to a different option if necessary. Some products, like CustMbite's Teeth Whitening Kit, are specifically designed to boost comfort and lower sensitivity while still providing stellar results. This kit comes with a 30-day supply of Gentle Whitening Foam, which boasts a low carbamide peroxide level designed to protect your sensitive teeth from any issues. Remember, your whitening product is the root cause of the problem, so it makes sense to choose a different product if you're experiencing sensitive teeth. This is much more effective than simply trying to address the problem with home remedies after the damage has already been done.

Home remedies may be effective in the short term, but they don't address the root of the problem. Not only does CustMbite's Gentle Whitening Foam provide better protection for sensitive teeth, but the CustMbite Teeth Whitening Kit also comes with customizable trays. You can mold these trays to fit perfectly with your teeth with a flexible, exceedingly comfortable Vistamaxx material. Not only are they comfortable, but it also protects the surface of your teeth to some degree, further limiting the symptoms of sensitive teeth during the whitening process.
So what's the best way to treat sensitive teeth after whitening? Home remedy? Perhaps not. Keep in mind that this is more of a reactionary approach rather than a preventative strategy. By the time you're experimenting with different home remedies for sensitive teeth after whitening, the damage has really already been done. These methods may provide some quick relief, but a much better approach is to simply avoid the symptoms in the first place by choosing a more effective, gentler whitening product – such as CustMbite's Teeth Whitening Kit.
Whitening Gel
For lightning fast results. Whiten your smile in record time with 22% Carbamide Peroxide strength gel.
Customizable Trays
Trays that mold right to your teeth for a great whitening experience, because every smile is different.
Whitening Foam
Slow and steady wins the race. The 8% Carbamide Peroxide strength whitening foam can be used on sensitive gums and even while you sleep.
Money Back Guarantee
Not satisfied? Let us know! We'll gladly replace or refund your purchase - no risk to you!
If you're trying to figure out how to deal with your sensitive teeth after whitening, “home remedy” may not be the first phrase that comes to mind. That said, you may experience some genuine relief if you try some of these easy methods:
- Drink Through a Straw: One of the easiest solutions is to simply drink through a straw. It's a straightforward trick, but it'll protect your teeth from coming into contact with liquids. You can essentially enjoy any beverage you like with this method without having to worry about pain and discomfort.
- Avoid Certain Foods and Drinks: Another home remedy is to avoid certain foods and drinks. Generally speaking, consumables that are either very hot or very cold will exacerbate the problem. You should also do your best to avoid foods that are very acidic.
- Choose a Different Toothpaste: Finally, you might want to choose a different toothpaste. There are toothpastes that are specifically designed for sensitive teeth, and you can experience considerable relief simply by making the switch.

So what's the best way to treat sensitive teeth after whitening? “Home remedy” might seem like the obvious solution, but it makes more sense to address the core root of the problem.
In the end, it's better to simply choose a different product. It's never too late to make the switch. Even if you're a few days into your whitening regime, you can save yourself tons of discomfort by switching to CustMbite's Teeth Whitening Kit with its Gentle Whitening Foam. You won't need a prescription for this over-the-counter kit, and you can grab yours today for a better solution in the long run.