Your Custom Nightguard
Fit your CustMbite nightguard in a few simple steps!
smile and comfort in mind
When the temporomandibular joint (jaw joint) is out of alignment, this is called TMJ disorder. When you have TMJ disorder, you may notice one or many of its common symptoms, like popping sounds coming from your jaw when you chew or talk. You may also notice pain or discomfort in the jaw when you wake up in the morning. Other aches and pains you might experience include sore teeth or even soreness in your face muscles in the morning or throughout the day. TMJ can be a cause of — or be caused by — teeth clenching during the night. The CustMbite Nightguard can help mitigate the pain caused by nighttime symptoms.
One aspect TMJ disorder can affect is your auditory health. Few people realize that TMJ disorder can actually cause or exacerbate hearing loss. This can also present itself as tinnitus, a persistent feeling of clogged ears, vertigo, or painful earaches. Often, people struggle for months or even years before a specialist discovers the true cause.
This delay is caused because these types of symptoms are usually treated by an ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialist. With TMJ, all the parts of the ear will usually appear to be perfectly healthy. A doctor without TMJ experience may diagnose the cause as anything from allergies to Meniere’s disease. They may even prescribe hearing aids, which likely won’t do any good for those who suffer from TMJ.
You could live for years without any explanation of your hearing loss or other ear issues without realizing it’s related to TMJ disorder. Read on to learn more about the different types of hearing loss that can occur with TMJ disorder and how using the CustMbite Nightguard can help you avoid more serious consequences.
There are three major types of hearing loss that can be caused by TMJ disorder:
Conductive. This type of hearing loss impedes the conveyance of sound through the middle ear cavity to the inner ear. The energy that reaches the inner ear is lower and less intense than it would normally be, causing sounds to be quieter and less intense.
Sensorineural. This type of hearing loss is caused by the dysfunction of the inner ear or auditory nerve. Sensorineural hearing loss can also result from damage to organs in the inner ear. It may stop the hair cells from stimulating the nerves of the ear or cause a metabolic problem in the fluids of the inner ear.
Mixed. This is a combination of the two types of hearing loss discussed above. In addition to irreversible hearing loss caused by an inner ear or auditory nerve disorder, there’s also the possibility of a dysfunction of the middle ear mechanism. This makes the ability to hear lower than sensorineural loss on its own.
The reason jaw joint inflammation and irritation can transfer to the ear is because of its location. A full 85% of people with temporomandibular jaw disorder report symptoms that affect their ears and hearing.
Inflammation in the TMJ can have a direct effect on the ears because the joint is adjacent to the ear. It can cause blocked Eustachian tubes, which can lead to negative effects on hearing, such as feelings of stuffiness or clogging, pain, and hearing loss.
Here’s what happens in the ear when you’ve got TMJ:
- The nerves in the TMJ send pain signals to the brain.
- The signal crosses through the inner ear canal.
- The brain receives the signal from the ear and the TMJ.
- The brain causes the ear to react by contracting the craniofacial muscles.
- The TMJ and other bones become misaligned due to frequent muscle contractions.
- The tensor palatini muscle pulls on the eardrum and causes Eustachian tube malfunction.
One way to prevent the damage caused by the clenching and grinding that can exacerbate TMJ disorder is wearing a nightguard. The CustMbite Nightguard is a great choice to help you stave off serious consequences.
The CustMbite Nightguard is made of our patented VistaMaxx material, which is thin and comfortable to wear while also being tough enough to reduce the pressure of clenching or grinding your teeth at night. In fact, nightguards are the number-one non-surgical therapeutic treatment recommended for TMJ disorder.
When you first receive your CustMbite Nightguard, you will mold it to fit snugly to your teeth. If you have braces, you can fit the nightguard right over them. And it’s simple to remold the guard to fit your teeth as they move. By custom-fitting the nightguard, you can be sure it will stay on all night comfortably.

If you’re looking for an affordable and effective method to treat the symptoms of TMJ disorder before you suffer hearing loss, the CustMbite Nightguard is your best option. Order the best TMJ nightguard available online today and hear what a difference it makes in your life!
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