Your wedding day is one of the biggest days of your life. It’s also one of the biggest photo opportunities you will have. You want to look your very best for your wedding. You’ve shed that extra 10 pounds to fit into your dress or tux, and you’ve had your hair done to perfection. Why not include a brilliant, white smile to help round out your look of perfection? You and your spouse-to-be want to have the whitest smiles possible for your wedding photos. That’s where our CustMbite Smile Whitening Kit comes in. Our easy-to-use teeth whitening kit can get you prepared for your wedding day photos comfortably and with very little time dedicated each day to whitening. In as little as five minutes per day, you can have a brighter smile for your wedding pictures.
- Work with your photographer to create a shot list so the most important memories are preserved.
- If possible, have your photographer get shots at the rehearsal dinner, too. These can be more informal and allow you to get more candid shots of the most important people from your wedding.
- Don’t forget small details like the rings, flowers, table settings, menus, shoes on the side of the dance floor, etc.
- Assign a trusted family member to be the photo coordinator. They can work with the photographer to make sure all the important people and groups are in the photos.
- Ask your photographer to shoot in RAW format so you or a friend can create various effects post-production, including different color settings, black-and-white, or sepia images.
- Choose all photo locations before the big day, and get an idea for where and when to find the best natural lighting.
- Make sure your photographer knows your expectations. Listen to them, as they are professionals who may have excellent ideas you haven’t thought of.
- Request your photographer keep any cameras on silent mode so the clicking and whirring sounds it makes don’t spoil important moments.
- Get the posed group photos done as early as possible to get them out of the way while everybody looks their best.
- Do a romantic photo shoot of you and your spouse during the golden hour—just around the time the sun begins setting. This is soft, romantic light that makes for excellent couples photos.
- Place disposable cameras at the tables so wedding guests can take shots they think you will love. This way you should be able to have photos of everyone who attended the wedding and reception.
- Have your photographer give you all their shots. Some may not immediately look like keepers, but memories can be found in every shot. You can dispose of unwanted photos on your anniversary if you wish.
- Encourage your photographer to take shots from various angles for interest.
- Smile, smile, smile. There will be some shots of you gazing deeply into your spouse’s eyes, but most wedding pictures should include people smiling and having fun—especially the couple getting married.
Our teeth whitening kit comes with two trays made of our patented VistaMaxx material. You can quickly and easily mold the trays to your top and bottom teeth, which means you only need to use a small bit of teeth whitening gel or teeth whitening foam.
Our teeth whitening gel contains a 22 percent solution of carbamide peroxide, one of the strongest solutions available over the counter. You can use the gel for as little as 5 and as much as 20 minutes each day. If you need whitening for sensitive teeth, you might prefer the teeth whitening foam, which is gentler with an 8 percent solution of carbamide peroxide. The foam can be left on for up to 8 hours a day, or even overnight. The teeth whitening trays won’t fall out or cause you difficulty breathing because the material is not bulky like some other whitening trays, and because they are customized to your teeth.

Whitening Gel
For lightning fast results. Whiten your smile in record time with 22% Carbamide Peroxide strength gel.
Customizable Trays
Trays that mold right to your teeth for a great whitening experience, because every smile is different.
Whitening Foam
Slow and steady wins the race. The 8% Carbamide Peroxide strength whitening foam can be used on sensitive gums and even while you sleep.
Money Back Guarantee
Not satisfied? Let us know! We'll gladly replace or refund your purchase - no risk to you!

We’ve developed the CustMbite Smile Whitening Kit with dental professionals to make sure we provide a top-quality product to people who want whiter teeth. We don’t believe that your teeth whitening cost should test your budget too hard, so rather than charging over $400 like you would pay for a take-home kit at the dentist, our kit comes at the affordable price of $30. That lasts for a month, and refills of either the foam or gel are just $15. Order your CustMbite Smile Whitening Kit today and you can feel confident enough to smile brighter in your candid and posed wedding photos.