Your Custom Nightguard
Fit your CustMbite nightguard in a few simple steps!
smile and comfort in mind

Bruxism is a condition in which you grind, clench, or gnash your teeth. This is generally done unconsciously when you’re awake or during sleep. If you have sleep bruxism, you’re likely to have other sleep disorders like snoring or sleep apnea (pauses in breathing). Mild bruxism may not require treatment, but if you suffer from sleep bruxism, you’ll want to use a quality mouthguard at night such as our CustMbite Nightguard.
If you’re not sure whether you suffer from bruxism, there are symptoms that could indicate you do. The most obvious sign would be if you have teeth grinding or clenching that is loud enough to wake your sleep partner. If you have teeth that are chipped, fractured, flattened, or even loose and there’s no obvious cause, it could be a result of bruxism. The same is true if you have teeth that are so worn down that the nerves are exposed, which can be very painful.
If you’re experiencing increased tooth pain or sensitivity, it could be a result of bruxism, as could tired or tight jaw muscles. If you experience unexplained pain in your neck, face, jaw, or ear, that could also be due to bruxism. Also, people with bruxism often experience dull headaches that begin in the temples. One of the more serious symptoms of nighttime bruxism is a disruption in your sleep, in which you wake yourself up because of the grinding noise or the pain from grinding your teeth.
Specialists don’t know exactly what causes bruxism, but they believe it may be due to a combination of psychological, genetic, and physical factors. It may be due to certain emotions like stress, anxiety, anger, tension, or frustration. It may also be a coping strategy or habit during deep concentration.
There are a few certain risk factors that make a person more likely to have bruxism. To start with, stress or anxiety can lead to teeth grinding, as can anger and frustration. If you have an aggressive, hyperactive, or competitive personality, you could be at increased risk of bruxism. It can also be associated with some mental health conditions like dementia or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Some medications and other substances can put you at higher risk for bruxism. Certain antidepressants are one example. Habits like using tobacco, drinking alcohol or caffeine, or using recreational drugs can increase your risk of developing bruxism. If you have family members with bruxism, it is more likely you will have it, as it tends to run in families.
There are other conditions that bruxism seems to be related to, such as Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, night terrors, gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), and sleep apnea. If you have any one or more of these risk factors and some of the symptoms of bruxism, you should see your dentist and discuss what to do. While there’s no known cure for bruxism, there are things you can do to reduce the negative effects of grinding and clenching your teeth. It is likely your dentist will suggest a bruxism nightguard as a first step, as that’s the most common mitigation device for those who suffer bruxism.
Experts agree that the best bruxism nightguard is one that is custom-fit to your teeth and flexible enough to provide comfortable wear while being strong enough to prevent your teeth from grinding together in your sleep. Our patented VistaMaxx was developed for just that purpose. When you first receive your CustMbite Nightguard, you will follow the detailed instructions provided and mold the nightguard to your teeth. This provides a great deal of comfort and ensures the bruxism nightguard will stay in place in your mouth all night. After all, if it’s on the pillow, it’s not protecting you against the effects of bruxism.
If you have braces, you may have found it difficult to find a custom-fit nightguard. We made our nightguard so that people who wear braces can fit it to their teeth as well. Not only that, but you can remold it each time your teeth shift, and then again at the end when the braces come off. This can save you a great deal since you don’t have to buy a new nightguard each time your teeth move. If you also snore, you may be interested in an anti-snoring device such as the CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece.

The CustMbite Nightguard has been evaluated and cleared by the FDA and is free of BPA, PVC, latex, and phthalates. It doesn’t absorb saliva, water, or bacteria so it’s easy to keep clean, especially when using CustMbite's All Natural Oral Appliance Cleaner for nightguards, retainers, dentures, and more.
The mouthguard comes in an adult and children’s size and in five different colors. Order the best bruxism nightguard on the market today and say goodbye to the painful effects of bruxism.
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