Your Custom Nightguard
Fit your CustMbite nightguard in a few simple steps!
smile and comfort in mind
There are two main reasons someone would need to sleep with a dental guard, also called a nightguard: bruxism and TMJ disorder. Bruxism is a disorder in which you grind, clench, or gnash your teeth during sleep. TMJ disorder happens when your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is out of alignment. The first thing most dentists will ask you to try if you have bruxism or TMJ disorder is to start wearing a nightguard, and the CustMbite Nightguard is the best nightguard on the market.
Symptoms of bruxism include finding that your teeth are chipped, flattened, fractured, or even loose. Possibly you have worn tooth enamel that exposes deeper layers of your tooth. If you’ve noticed increased sensitivity or pain in your teeth, bruxism could be the culprit. If you awaken with tired or tight jaw muscles, or your jaw is difficult to open or close, that could also be a sign of nighttime bruxism. You may feel pain in your jaw, neck, or face, or pain that feels like an ear infection though there’s actually nothing wrong with your ear canal.
Finally, your sleep partner may wake up from the noise of your grinding or gnashing your teeth at night. That's not to mention snoring. And if you snore, you may want to think about how your snoring can affect your relationship!
Many of the symptoms of bruxism are the same as they are for TMJ disorder. Specifically, you may have pain or tension in your jaw or an aching pain in and around your ear or in your face. Additionally, you may feel pain in one or both of your temporomandibular joints (the joints that connect your lower jaw with your skull). You may experience popping or grinding noises when you chew, talk, or yawn.
If you have any of these symptoms, you should check with your dentist. They’ll likely suggest you wear a nightguard like the CustMbite Nightguard. Continue reading for the facts about bruxism and TMJ disorder and to learn how the CustMbite Nightguard can help you.

While the exact causes of bruxism are not known, there are a number of risk factors that are common among sufferers. Increased anxiety or stress, along with anger and frustration, have been linked with nighttime bruxism. People who have an aggressive, competitive, or hyperactive personality are more likely to contract bruxism. It can also be a side effect of certain medications, such as some antidepressants. In addition, smoking tobacco, drinking caffeine or alcohol, and using recreational drugs can be contributing factors for those who suffer from bruxism. There are also conditions that list bruxism as a symptom, such as Parkinson’s disease, dementia, GERD, and sleep-related disorders such as sleep apnea.
The causes of TMJ disorder are more straightforward, and can actually include severe cases of bruxism. An injury to the jaw can also knock the joint out of alignment. Certain types of arthritis, such as rheumatoid or osteoarthritis can cause TMJ disorder, as can certain connective tissue diseases that affect the temporomandibular joint.
There are a variety of complications linked with bruxism and TMJ disorder, many of which are listed above as symptoms. Specifically, severe bruxism may lead to damage to your teeth, crowns, restorations, or your jaw. You may experience chronic tension headaches or severe face and jaw pain. Finally, bruxism can lead to the more serious TMJ disorder.

The CustMbite Nightguard was designed to help mitigate the effects suffered by those who have bruxism or TMJ disorder. First, it’s not bulky and uncomfortable like some nightguards. That’s because the first thing you do when you receive your CustMbite Nightguard is custom-fit it to your teeth.
This can be done whether you have braces or not, and instructions are included with each nightguard to show you how to customize it for braces or no braces. One benefit of the CustMbite Nightguard being designed for people with braces is you don’t have to order a new nightguard when your teeth have shifted. You can simply remold the CustMbite Nightguard each time you need to, and again when the braces come off. That makes the CustMbite Nightguard a cost-effective choice, especially for those who have braces.
The CustMbite Nightguard has been evaluated and accepted by the FDA and is free of BPA, PVC, phthalates, and latex. It doesn’t absorb bacteria, saliva, or water, so it’s easy to clean each morning when you brush your teeth. It’s the best nightguard on the market for sufferers of bruxism or TMJ disorder.

If you’re looking for an affordable and effective nightguard to help prevent the effects of bruxism or TMJ disorder, the CustMbite Nightguard is the one for you. It comes in five different colors, so it’s not only safe and comfortable, but stylish as well. Order the best sleep dental guard online today and see what a difference CustMbite can make for you!