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CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece Feature & Benefits
- Better Sleep Quality
- Easily Customized Fit To Your Teeth
- No Uncomfortable Contraptions, Drugs or Surgery
- Patented Design With Tori To Keep Your Tongue In Forward Position
- Reduces Snoring By Up To 50%*
- 65% More Comfortable Than Other Over-The-Counter Anti-Snoring Devices*
*Findings provided by a 3rd party research partner, BioSerenity Research
You love your sleep partner and want to be with them as much as you can. That's why you spend all night with them. But what if they're driving you absolutely crazy with their snoring? You know how hard it is to sleep through snoring, and you need a way out.
You know it's illogical, but sometimes you get angry at them for something you know they can't even help. You may be wearing earplugs, considering sleeping in another room, or moving to another house entirely. You may even be considering ending the relationship, all over something that is nobody's fault and that can easily be fixed. First, you have to learn how to sleep with a snorer, and the only way is by stopping them from snoring. And no, we don't mean taking drastic steps like covering their face. Snoring is bad for you as it is!
Instead, encourage them to use the CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece. The CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece, developed by sleep medicine specialist Dr. Michael Alvarez (who has 40 years of experience in the field!), is comfortable, customizable, and affordable, not to mention it's been proven to reduce snoring by 50%. Would you like to sleep 50% better? We bet you would, and we bet your poor snoring partner would, too.
My Partner Snores and I Can't Sleep
Did you know that it's most likely your partner has inherited the snoring gene from one or both of their parents? About 70% of snoring cases are hereditary. So if you want to be mad at somebody, get mad at the in-laws. (Just kidding.) Don't be mad — be proactive. In fact, once you've solved your and your partner's snoring problems, maybe their parents will want to follow suit.
The CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece is designed to be customized and worn on the lower jaw. Your partner will first customize them to their specific bite using the microwave or boiling water method. The device is designed to shrink slightly after fitting for a more snug and comfortable fit, keeping it in place all night long.
Your partner has probably already tried a lot of ineffective snoring “solutions” that focus on moving the jaw forward. Unfortunately, these don't work. Even worse, they can cause serious problems like TMJ disorder and a misaligned jaw. If they end up severe enough, these issues can require surgery to fix.
The CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece, on the other hand, focuses on the actual problem, which is the tongue muscle relaxing back into the throat during sleep. The inner channels of the guard feature tori that gently move the tongue forward and down, away from the airway, which stops the snoring. It's perfectly safe to use and has no harmful side effects.
The Anti-Snoring Solution That Works Overnight!
-1 Moldable Lower Jaw Device
-1 Ventilated Case
-100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Where can I get the CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece?
Now that you know how to sleep with a snorer (or former snorer) successfully, you'll be excited to get a CustMbite Snore Relief Mouthpiece for them. It's only $39.99 and if your partner doesn't find it to be effective, there's a satisfaction guarantee. The device is developed and manufactured entirely in the United States for your convenience. Order the best anti-snoring device online today and sleep soundly with your non-snoring partner for the rest of your nights together!
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The Secret to Relieving Snoring
CustMbite moves the tongue out of the airway without moving the jaw forward, resulting in a more simple and comfortable anti-snoring solution.
-The Tongue Moves Forward
-The Airways Open Up
-Snoring Is Virtually Eliminated Immediately!

MEET THE INVENTOR - Dr. Michael Alvarez
Dr. R. Michael Alvarez is a dentist who brings decades of experience and training to his current practice in Fremont, California. Dr. Alvarez graduated from the University of Southern California, in 1977, and established his dentistry practice in Fremont in 1979. In addition to his practice, Dr. Alvarez is one of the driving forces in Dental Sleep Medicine, leading organizations and training seminars to deliver oral appliance for treating sleep disorders.